Walking office hours

Walking office hours are office hours where we go walking. I do these for a couple reasons:

  1. While some questions are best discussed in front of a whiteboard, others can be more easily discussed if you’re not face to face and don’t have the pressure to be talking all the time. And sometime’s it’s just more fun to talk while walking.
  2. I need to get fresh air and exercise once in a while.

Here’s how it works: I’ll leave from the front of the SEC (Anderson/Robinson) at the beginning of the office hours timeslot (2pm on Wednesdays for Fall 2020), and then go a couple times around the loop, which takes about an hour at an easy pace. You’re welcome to join me at the start, or just meet us somewhere along the route.

I’ll be there unless it’s really pouring rain or driving snow.

Let me know if you have an accessibility issue and want to join, and we can work out an alternate route.